Tuesday 15 April 2008

The oldest digital native I know....

Thinking about it, the oldest digital native that I know is probably my dad.
His job involves working with computers on day to day basis and this has always been the case since he was quite young. Plus..he has always grown up around new technologies coming out so he hasn't had to adapt to them as such like a digital immigrant has.
My dad loves gadgets and is constantly buying all the latest ones! His car is full of them! As is his office! It drives my mum mad! Lol. But it's not just as though this is a recent thing, it's something that has always been a part of my dads personality as he's always had all the brand new gadgets and gizmo's that have come out. Put it this way...if something goes wrong with my laptop, I always go to my dad for help and he always knows what to do and according to the theories, I'm meant to be the one who is the digital native but I'd say he's more of one than me!

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