STA Travel website analysis
Its quite hard trying to decide which website is my all-time favourite as I look at so many so often, but at the moment I’ve been spending a lot of time on the STA Travel website. The URL for this site is: http://www.statravel.co.uk/ STA Travel was founded in 1979. It is the largest travel organisation for students and young people.
Has anybody looked at this website before?
The basis of STA Travel is to help people considering travelling to set up their journey. The journeys featured on the website are: around the world travels, travelling in Europe and also specific set country travels. The site allows you to explore different country travel options and you can create your ideal trip from looking at the different activities happening in each country and also which hostels are on offer and which flights would be best for you. There are also sections on the website that offer you the latest deals and travelling discounts, a community section where you can read peoples travel blogs and interact with each other, and there is also a section upon working whilst you travel.
The target audience for this website is preferably students and young people aged between 18-26 years old. This is apparent because the STA Travel Company is a student-based company and deals with gap year students and graduate students who want to travel either before uni or after uni before settling down in a career. The target audience is both men and women who are interested in travelling.
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